Principles to Lead my Life
- 3 minsAs I’ve grown older, and had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people from around the world, I’ve tried to pick up small pieces of wisdom that inspire me.
Here is a list of some of the principles I try to adopt in my daily life:
- Always smile.
- Smiling itself makes you happy.
- You also attract others to your presence. It is easy to give off positive energy just by smiling.
- Be curious.
- You can learn a new thing from everyone.
- Make sure to be the one asking questions. People like to talk about themselves.
- Be a walking vibe – enthusiasm matters.
- Live, laugh, love. It’s important to experience every day like it’s your last.
- Bringing people together and creating positive energy is the key to success.
- If you think you’re tired, you’re not.
- The mind lies to you. You have so much more potential than you think.
- Wake up. Take a step. Take a step. Take a step.
- Test quick, refine slow.
- You learn more by testing and iterating quick. Bump into walls.
- It’s ok to be sloppy at first. As long as you are doing SOMETHING to show for it and learn fast.
- Compounding interest is huge.
- There is nothing like exponential returns on investment.
- Invest now so you can continue to flourish later.
- Keep your back up straight.
- Being a hunched over makes you tired.
- If you sit up straight, you open your lungs and mind.
- You also present yourself as more affirmative and confidence, which has similar effects to smiling.
- Be mischievous and cheeky.
- Remember when you were young and you used to play pranks on your friends & siblings? When life was simple and you spent the days giggling, experimenting, and dreaming? Embody this.
- Life is too short to take everything so seriously. Best be stepping on toes and living it up than be a bland normie.
- Be thankful for everything. Especially the small things.
- Even washing the dishes can be a soothing task if approached in the right way.
- Learn to appreciate even the leaves on the trees. The world is a beautiful place.
- You are so privileged, there is no reason not to be thankful.
- Reality is a social construct: break barriers.
- Learn to push and pull.
- If you don’t ask for something, you’ll never get it.
- Imposter syndrome is bullshit.
- Practice a growth mindset. You can probably do anything if you put your mind and time to it.
- Time is the most valuable thing in the world.
- If you can learn fast and iterate quick, with direction, there’s nothing you can’t achieve.
- Life is short, there’s no time to waste.
- A week is over 2% of a year.
- Especially as you get older, concept of time starts to blend in.
- Always be present and active.
- Appreciate the sound of your thoughts.
- Learn to slow down when necessary and think deeply.
- Showers and meditation are important for this.
- Eat healthy. Stay active. Sleep.
- Being athletic feels amazing for your mind and body.
- It is essential for longevity to sleep and treat your body well.
- Be a gentleman.
- There’s nothing cooler than being a gentleman.
- Always step up first, pay for things, give back to those you love. Life is a gift. Give it respect.
- Climb mountains.
- Most people are afraid of hard work. You shouldn’t be.
- The best part of the mountain isn’t always the top. There are viewpoints throughout that will still make you happy.
- The journey itself should be appreciated.
- Exercise. A lot.
- Staying active is super important for the brain and body.
- Even if you miss a workout one day, at least stretch, walk around, and maybe even go for a light jog to your next activity.
- Move and activate the body.